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Safe Routes to Schools Grants


How to Access Safe Routes to Schools Grants: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking for ways to access Safe Routes to Schools grants to enhance student safety and promote active transportation? Our comprehensive guide provides information on eligibility, application process, and funding opportunities for implementing safer routes in your community. Safe Routes to School (SRTS) advocates for walking and biking to school by enhancing infrastructure, enforcement, education, and incentives. Nationally, 10%–14% of morning rush hour trips are for school travel, highlighting the significance of SRTS initiatives in improving student safety and physical activity levels. These programs can be implemented by various entities, including departments of transportation, metropolitan planning organizations, local governments, school districts, or individual schools. Valuable resources, such as the SRTS Guide, parent surveys, student tallies, and strategies like the walking school bus, are available through a national center to support biking and walking initiatives in schools.

Safe Routes to Schools Grants

Safe Routes to School Grants Planning Assistance grants provide funding to schools and communities to develop comprehensive Safe Routes to School (SRTS) plans. These plans are crafted either by regional development organizations or a statewide SRTS consultant, ensuring a thorough approach to promoting safe and active transportation for students. By leveraging these grants, schools and communities can create comprehensive SRTS plans tailored to their specific needs and circumstances, ultimately fostering safer and healthier environments for students. Here are some key details about planning assistance grants:

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District Coordinator Grants

This initiative will fund coordinator positions within individual schools or districts. These coordinators will assist communities with established Safe Routes to School (SRTS) plans or other comprehensive strategies aimed at promoting safe, convenient, and enjoyable walking and biking routes for students. District coordinator grants enable schools and districts to establish dedicated leadership positions focused on promoting safe and active transportation options for students, contributing to healthier and more sustainable communities.

SRTS Boost Grants

Our grant is designed to assist communities already equipped with established plans or employing comprehensive Safe Routes to School (SRTS) strategies. The focus is on promoting both infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects aimed at ensuring safe and convenient walking and biking to school for students. These grants typically target both infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects and are available at various levels, including federal, state, and local.

State-Funded SRTS Infrastructure Grants

Statewide, communities can access grants to build infrastructure aimed at enhancing accessibility and safety along prioritized routes to and around schools. While it is recommended to have a Safe Routes to School (SRTS) plan in place before applying for these grants, no funding match is required, making the application process more accessible to interested communities.


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