Home Careers IAS Media Scholarship Programme 2024 for journalists and online content creators. (Fully...

IAS Media Scholarship Programme 2024 for journalists and online content creators. (Fully Funded to Munich, Germany)


IAS Media Scholarship Programme 2024 for Journalists and Online Content Creators (Fully Funded)

IAS Media Scholarship Programme 2024

Applications are currently open for the IAS Media Scholarship Programme 2024 which is designed for journalists, media specialists, and online content creators. The programme is fully funded and will take place in Munich, Germany. Here’s all you need to know about the requirements, application deadline, and application process.


The scholarship is open to individuals that belong to one of the following three categories:

Category 1: Journalists

This category is for journalists, photographers, and videographers who work for a recognized media outlet.

Category 2: Communications Professionals

Public-facing communications professionals attached to a non-profit HIV research, advocacy, or policy organization can apply under this category.

Category 3: Social Media Influencers

Social media influencers with a significant contribution to the field of HIV, broader public health, or strong connections to key populations are eligible to apply.

Scholarship Benefits

Recipients of the IAS Media Scholarship will receive the following benefits based on their needs:

  • Registration for in-person and virtual attendance
  • Travel support
  • Accommodation

Application Evaluation Criteria

Priority will be given to media scholarship applicants who:

  • Work for media outlets with a wide reach
  • Have a proven history of covering HIV or infectious diseases
  • Are based in resource-limited settings or target countries/regions of interest

How to Apply

Official Webpage of the IAS Media Scholarship Programme

Application Deadline

The application deadline is January 23rd, 2024


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